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Häufig gesucht:
HSN-Codes für Kapitel 59
Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances, of a kind used for the outer covers of books or the like; tracing cloth; prepared painting canvas; buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics of a kind used for hat foundations.
HS-Kode | Beschreibung | Berechne |
Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides, polyesters or viscose rayon.
HS-Kode | Beschreibung | Berechne |
Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, other than those of heading 59.02.
HS-Kode | Beschreibung | Berechne |
Linoleum, whether or not cut to shape; floor coverings consisting of a coating or covering applied on a textile backing, whether or not cut to shape.
HS-Kode | Beschreibung | Berechne |
Textile wall coverings.
HS-Kode | Beschreibung | Berechne |
Rubberised textile fabrics, other than those of heading 59.02.
HS-Kode | Beschreibung | Berechne |
Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered; painted canvas being theatrical scenery, studio back-cloths or the like.
HS-Kode | Beschreibung | Berechne |
Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted , for lamps, stoves, lighters, candles or the like; incandescent gas mantles and tubular knitted gas mantle fabric therefor, whether or not impregnated.
HS-Kode | Beschreibung | Berechne |
Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing, with or without lining, armour or accessories of other materials.
HS-Kode | Beschreibung | Berechne |
Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, of textile material, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, or reinforced with metal or other material.
HS-Kode | Beschreibung | Berechne |
Textile products and articles, for technical uses, specified in Note 8 to this Chapter.
HS-Kode | Beschreibung | Berechne |
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