Trade Advisory
16 June 2023 • 15 최소 읽기
BIS Certificate: Framework and Implementation
Indian Standards are developed by a process of stakeholder interaction and the collective work of a committee that represents various stakeholder interests on the topic.
Standardisation is the process of developing and implementing guidelines for a systematic approach to a particular activity for the benefit of and with the cooperation of all parties, with a focus on the promotion of the best possible overall economy while taking functional requirements and safety requirements into consideration. It is founded on a synthesis of knowledge from science, technology, and experience.
BIS: Legal Foundation and Operations
In India, the certification of items is handled by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Within BIS, there are two different certification programmes: the Indian Standards Institute (ISI) programme for a wide variety of industrial and consumer products, and the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS) for a variety of electronic equipment. Additionally, BIS manages required product testing and manages certification.
The BIS Act of 2016 and the rules and regulations created in accordance with it form the legal basis for BIS' operations. BIS may establish, publish, review, and promote Indian Standards in connection to any product, method, system, or service, as required under the BIS Act, 2016, BIS. Any standard created by any other organisation in the nation or overseas may also be adopted as an Indian Standard by BIS.
The standards-development work of BIS, a party to the WTO-TBT Agreement, is in accordance with the "Code of Good Practise for the Preparation, Adoption, and Application of Standards." BIS operates through a technical committee structure that consists of Sectional Committees under the appropriate Division Councils established for particular technologies and economic sectors for the establishment of Indian Standards.
Development of Indian Standards
Indian Standards are developed by a process of stakeholder interaction and the collective work of a committee that represents various stakeholder interests on the topic. The process provides for consideration and validation of technical viewpoints and a dispassionate and impartial evaluation of comments and feedback from public consultations. All decisions taken shall be transparent and adequately justified while ensuring due regard to wider interests that are likely to be affected by them, including those that are potentially unrepresented and may not be directly involved in developing the standard.
Upcoming QCOS - Notified and Due for Implementation
This is to notify all parties involved that, as of the date shown against each product, the quality control orders (QCOs) issued by the relevant Ministry or Department of the Government of India shall be effective for implementation of the Indian Standard. This material is being provided in advance to increase awareness.
SNAP 2022-27
Taking into account the outcome of various stakeholder consultations undertaken while framing the Standards National Action Plan 2022-27, inputs from the Strategic Road Maps of each of the Division Councils of BIS, the identified sectoral priorities and analysis of the national socio- economic requirements, key subject areas of national standardization to be taken up by BIS in the next five years along with their priorities have been identified in the bilingual document published by the BIS.
The BIS Certification Process
The certification process includes 4 stages in the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS) scheme and 5 in the Indian Standards Institute (ISI) scheme:
Frequently Asked Questions About BIS Certification
1. How can I tell whether my product needs to be BIS certified?
A: Regarding the product groups needing certification, the pertinent information can be found on the websites of the certification authority. The producer should immediately contact the Indian authorities and ask about the certification requirements for their product based on the specifications and technical data to get a trustworthy answer.
2. Do I have to go to India for the certification procedure?
A: No, you do not need to go to India. To coordinate product testing for complicated products with the testing facility, it may be best to be present in person. Sometimes this has the effect of streamlining the procedure, reducing the number of tests, and lowering expenses.
3. How should I best get ready for certification?
A: Testing for BIS certification adheres to a set of rules. It makes sense to become familiar with, comprehend, and read the checklists for the regulations that relate to you.
4. Do I need to be concerned about intellectual property being stolen during certification?
A: You will not have to worry about your knowledge being exploited if you adhere to a few principles. This is not the intended use of BIS certification. The amount of internal expertise that becomes available can be reduced by tailoring the testing with adequate planning.
5. Will the validity of my certificate expire?
A: After two years, the BIS registration to CRS can be renewed. If you carry out the necessary follow-up certifications, product testing, and certificate changes are properly submitted to the Indian authority, the certificate will not lose its validity. The ISI BIS Certificate can be extended for up to five years at a time after its initial one-year period of validity.
6. Once the BIS certification is given, can I supply the Indian market without encountering any difficulties?
Yes, full access to the Indian market is possible once certification is complete and the mark is applied. The BIS certificate, however, only applies to certain product groups or models for which BIS certification has been obtained and does not cover all parts manufactured by a manufacturer.
7. Which plants need to undergo an audit to obtain BIS certification?
The manufacturing facility or location where the last steps in quality assurance are carried out is the one that must be audited.