Keresés a HS kódban
Keresse meg termékének HSN kódját vagy ITC HS kódját és azok GST-díjait a HSN kód kereső eszközünkkel. Keresés bármelyik szerint
termék neve vagy HSN kódja. Használjon kategórialistát alternatív módként a termékek HS-kódjához való eléréséhez.
Gyakran keresett:
A fejezet HSN-kódjai 92
Pianos, including automatic pianos; harpsichords and other keyboard stringed instruments.
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Other string musical instruments (for example, guitars, violins, harps).
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Wind musical instruments (for example, keyboard pipe organs, accordions, clarinets, trumpets, bagpipes), other than fairground organs and mechanical street organs.
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Percussion musical instruments (for example, drums, xylophones, cymbals, castanets, maracas).
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Musical instruments, the sound of which is produced, or must be amplified, electrically (for example, organs, guitars, accordions).
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Musical boxes, fairground organs, mechanical street organs, mechanical singing birds, musical saws and other musical instruments not falling within any other heading of this Chapter; decoy calls of all kinds; whistles, call horns and other mouth-blown sound signalling instruments.
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Parts (for example, mechanisms for musical boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds.
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