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Buscados con frecuencia:
Códigos HSN para el capítulo 54
Sewing thread of man-made filaments, whether or not put up for retail sale.
Código HS | Descripción | Calcular |
Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex.
Código HS | Descripción | Calcular |
Artificial filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including artificial monofilament of less than 67 decitex.
Código HS | Descripción | Calcular |
Synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw) of synthetic textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm.
Código HS | Descripción | Calcular |
Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw) of artificial textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm.
Código HS | Descripción | Calcular |
Man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale.
Código HS | Descripción | Calcular |
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of heading 54.04.
Código HS | Descripción | Calcular |
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of heading 54.05.
Código HS | Descripción | Calcular |
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